– Église Réaliste Mondiale – 24 sept. 2013
Translated by Boodica, Sept. 24th 2020 – www.eglise-realiste.org
1 To tell the truth, the Nazi is just a false civilized Conservative guy; on the contrary, he is an arrant « left-wing » Barbarian.
But why could we be mistaken on it?
∗ He alleges to be a SIMPLE bourgeois, likes to think to be a « ghost » coming from the dawn of the Free world; and this preferably in Spartan model.
Then, he assures us, community’s Equality was safe, precisely because it was put under the dictatorial guard of a few Inspectors (the Ephors) [1] more blue-blooded (Toff) than the tyrant of Athens Dracon himself (621 A.C.).
∗ The barbarian « revolutionary » that is the Nazi is careful to shroud himself in a folklore [2] as childish as it is incongruous: that is a borrowing from the corrupted Kindred Tradition, in the Mithra’s style (Persia). Let us know that this latter was cherished by Diocletian’s soldiery: in 307 P.C., he was declared « Protector of Empire » (fautor imperii sui) [3].
∗ What does nazism bring to people of the popular masses?
• Free within Infantilism;
• Equal within Submission;
• Brothers within Gregariousness.
That is exactly what makes the « success » of the Demon-cracy, in due course! and in order to thrive its own shop, Nazism can only « demonize » Demon-cracy. For sure, the comrades of the commanding clan have a special lot: the privilege of experiencing the excitement which is owed to the Übermensch (the Superman).
2 To tell the truth, the Demon-crat is just a false civilized Progressive guy; on the contrary, he is an arrant « right-wing » Barbarian.
But why could we be mistaken on it?
∗ He alleges to be a PURE-PERFECT bourgeois, likes to think to be born at « dusk » of the Free world; and embodied by the Whig England of 1688 (W. of Orange) excelling herself in the United Colonies of 1776 (G. Washington), where the « new Athens » is born: Boston.
Then, he assures us, the social constitution finds its conclusive and immutable formula, Liberty reaching its optimum with an eligible [4] Monarch named President. Thus, on the understanding that the suffrage can only confirm the Dollar mood, the President must be judged more plebeian (Commoner) [5] than the farmer Cato the Censor himself (185 A.C.).
∗ The barbarian reformer that is the Demon-Crat is careful to shroud himself in a folklore as childish as it is incongruous: that is a borrowing from the corrupted Kindred Tradition, in the Isis’ style (Egypt) [6]. Let us know that this latter was cherished by the depraved « decolonizer » Caracalla: in 215 P.C., he erected a Temple to Isis, in the centre of Rome, on the Quirinal.
∗ What does the demon-cracy bring to people of the popular masses?
• Free within Powerlessness;
• Equal within Insecurity;
• Brothers within Loneliness.
That is exactly what makes the « success » of Nazism, in due course! and in order to thrive its own shop, Demon-cracy can only « demonize » Nazism. For sure, the F∴ M∴ friends of the commanding gang have a special lot: the enjoyment experienced by the « initiates » into manipulation.
3 To tell the truth, the Nazi and the Demon-Crat are « enemy brothers » when the barbaric social issue is mainly « geopolitical »; just as the Right and the Left are also when the barbaric social issue is mainly « national ».
4 To tell the truth, our Death Community being now unmasked, there’s nothing left to do but to throw it into the common grave of history. Ipso facto, exceeding Sieyès and finally « superseding » Kant, humanity begins to rehabilitate the insulted Bourgeois and to revive the demeaned Kindred; it is the timely advent of the « Mores’ State » of Dom Deschamps (1716-1774), this Suitable Community which absolutely combines Spirit-Matter and Liberty-Equality.
– 24.09.2013
* Arabic expression for: « It’s six of one and half of a dozen of the other ». [translation note]
[1] Cf. King Theopompus: 720-675 A.C.
[2] The word « folklore » dates from… 1846!
[3] Conference in Carnuntum (Upper Danube): Diocletian-Galerius-Licinius.
Diocletian struck on a medal: « Nomine christianorum deleto » (the Christian’s name no longer exists).
[4] Another thing than a postiche-dynast! Hence (!) Safe-Guard regime: Checks & Balances.
[5]« Roturier » in French. Translated « self-made-man » in Yankee!
[6] Nota bene: female esotericism...
« Every man has his price ». Sir Robert Walpole (1676-1745). Determined Whig! « King » for 25 years, de facto.
Plebeian/Commoner. We could choose Cromwell (1599-1658), also a farmer. With his Roundheads, he requires the religious toleration, emancipates Jews, and refuses the title of King.Plebeian/Commoner. We could choose Cromwell (1599-1658), also a farmer. With his Roundheads, he requires the religious toleration, emancipates Jews, and refuses the title of King.
Checks and Balances. This is the inviolable (!) « balance of powers » of U-staters. With the elected Monarch, we have the Federal State (thus bicameral), and the holy « Supreme Court » (Highest Court): 9 irremovable « justices », appointed by the President with the agreement of the Senate.
This system with its « Manifest Destiny » nation style shows the Anglo-Saxon « exceptionalism » (because England claims to it as much: allergy to Marxism in particular). Very precisely, it means: the Glorious Revolution (of 1688-1776) makes the Pure bourgeois who identifies himself with the Perfect. For, no way of the whims of Rousseau/Helvétius, which could only sap the civilized order. What Sieyès called « feudal democracy » is the idol of the WASPs: Liberty is immune here to anarchy at the same time as the Order is resistant to despotism! But by stopping history in 1700, you can only betray Locke and Newton.
Albert Beveridge (1862-1927), Republican Senator (1899-1911): « Among all races, God chose the American people (!) to finally lead the world to its regeneration. » Big « imperialist ». Mate of Theodore Roosevelt.
Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965), Left-wing! Democrat Governor (1949-1953): « God has entrusted us with a frightening mission: nothing less than the leadership of the free world ». Pal of Kennedy.
Other gems: • Outside the New World (U-Staters’ system), there is just « barbaric or senile peoples » (senile are those of the Old World, Europe...).
• Let us empty « the anarchy and socialism’s abscess ». Thanks for Godwin and Owen?!!!
Jefferson (1743-1826) (with Sumner – 1811-1874 – and Malcolm X – 1925-1965) exonerated the true heirs of the Pilgrim Fathers: the 102 Puritans of 1620. He objected to the choice of the Eagle on the United States’ seal, and requested to represent on it « the children of Israel, led by day by a cloud, and by night by a column of fire » (Exodus 13: 22).
Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :
"Les murs ont des oreilles...".