TRIAL – H.L.C. – Lyon – France
3rd july 2017
The 3rd july 2017, Freddy Malot was charged of « contempt of court » because he distributed, further to the trial of our comrade Tony (nov. 2016), a Proclamation denouncing our regime as a DESPOTIC REPUBLIC.
Below :
1- His Declaration on Court (in French).
▪ Je tiens à faire état d’un Vice de Procédure
(+ compte-rendu d’audience)
2- The complaint subject:
▪ Proclamation / White Terror
3- English « pieces of evidence of case file » sent to the planet (Cf. Dispatch).
▪ I am up for it, End of story!
▪ Dispatch / Creed
▪ I am Freddy (said) Malot
▪ Truth produces Hatred / Crooked & Shapeless Masses
Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :
"Les murs ont des oreilles...".