● The tremendous swindle ●
1 - YES WE CAN (nov. 2008)
The demagogy’s ace of our time, Obama, settled down in the Black House, bawling this watchword…
2 - VILE NOBEL (oct. 2009)
Our Uncle Tom became Master of the ultimate West Empire (born of The Bomb) made sharpish confer on himself the title of elite Exterminator, by the Alfred de Ladynamite’s – alias Nobel – worshippers’ clique. As soon as this formality complied with, 30,000 more « born to kill »[1] had been launched, double-quick, against the unlucky Afghans…
The « small town America »[2] worries. There, one feels that the « Manifest Destiny » Empire (1845) is decidedly tumbling down; and that because gnawed-crushed-terrified by their Banksters, Marines and Deceive-tanks[3].
Eventually, some of them call up their memory and say (themselves): in 1773[4] – we had to prepare to tarring and feathering the London tyrants; now (240 years later), shouldn’t we advise to chastise those of Washington D.C.? By the way, didn’t we win anything while setting up a Republic?
Then, we are after remembering 1791, 8 years after the Independence (1783), and only 4 years after the Constitution (1787), the Whiskey Rebellion[5] broke out for the same reason which had risen up the 13 colonies against the British metropolis: « no taxation without representation »[6]. Now, the 1791’s autocrat was not the Tories’s Georges III of the Old World, but the New World’s President, in the employ of Big Planters and Big Merchants (South and North!).
That’s good luck! The 1792’s rebels explicitly thrust the American « Dictator »[7]. And one of the brand-new « insurgents », carried away for a beneficial refreshment, signs his articles and lampoons with the name Tom the Tinker, one of the « Pilgrim Fathers » disembarked in Plymouth from the Mayflower in 1620 (400 years of history), becoming indignant through him!
● Happy outcome ●
A second (and last!) Civil War is brewing in the U.S.A.[8]. To get off on the right foot, American people should place itself under the aegis of JEFFERSON (1743-1826). For:
A ∗ He never ceased to swim against the stream, as a « Galloman » versus the « Angloman » Washington, and to call this latter a MONOCRAT (elected monarch!).[9]
∗ As early as 1776, his Declaration of Independence was mutilated… for ever.
∗ 1783. Independence sending the Lords off towards the Thames (Tamise), Washington creates at once his Military Nobility, the Cincinnatus Order…, moreover sponsored by the real moron Louis Capet!
∗ In 1786, during the Shay Rebellion (Massachusetts), he lets know that “a little social rebellion” every 20 years, well handled, “is a good thing”!
∗ In 1787, he gets a lot worried about the « monarchist-style » Constitution.
B ∗ Inaugurated President in 1801, he repeals the Whiskey Tax, the Sedition Act and the Alien Friend Act.
∗ But, strategically, his Democratic-Republican party will prove to be powerless over against the drift brought about by the prospect of the huge Far West conquest… Far West as well called « WILD West » (SAVAGE!). cf. Annexed Texas: 1845.
C ∗ U-Staters’s future requires to rename the country capital « Jefferson City ».
∗ Then, the question is to liquidate at last the social contentious matters never settled: a) the Redskins and Niggers issue; b) and even more widely the lower classes issue, therefore that of the Whiteys Tom-Dick and Harry![10]
∗ As a result, the American Union will find itself proudly leant to the sparkling links of its past: Jefferson (1785), Sumner (1845), Malcolm X (1965).[11]
– World Realist Church
Sept. 25th 2014, Translated by
[1] Nés pour tuer.
[2] L’Amérique profonde.
[3] Réservoirs à duperies, et non pas à idées (think-tanks).
[4] Boston Tea Party.
[5] Against Tax overburdening (1791-94).
[6] Le Stamp Act de 1765.
[7] Washington demanded this appointment twice.
[8] The first one : 1861-1865.
[9] Jefferson is pro-Helvétius/Rousseau (1765), who “supersede” Locke/Newton (1690). In short, 1789 must replace 1688 – 100 years interval – (British Masonic “Glorious Revolution”), and the French will not want Montesquieu-Voltaire’s model, which Sieyès will name “feudal democracy”. Marat, who really knows it, likens England to systematic corruption (rotten boroughs). In 1688, just happened a revolutionary coup d’État (and with a narrow British usefulness), hence its swiftly obsolete scope; likewise as for Masonry.
[10] Leucoderme Pierre-Paul-Jacques.
[11] Of course, “King Day” is then wiped out of the calendar (Martin Luther King).
This Vile (war) Nobel!
Tom the Tinker
11 September 2014 – World Realist Church
This Vile (war) Nobel!
Tom the Tinker
11 September 2014 – World Realist Church
This Perfidious Monocrat*!
* G. Washington.
Tom the Tinker
11 September 2014 – World Realist Church
This Perfidious Monocrat*!
* G. Washington.
Tom the Tinker
11 September 2014 – World Realist Church
Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :
"Les murs ont des oreilles...".