Go for it, fellows!
-1- Now’s our time to bring down the Idol with feet of clay: the West rotten to the core.
Forsake the System. Counter-community (School, Media, Courts, Constabulary, and the whole caboodle)!
-2- Matter and Spirit are heads and tails of the same and single Real.
Nature and Humanity are at Parity.
Two mated Parties make up the social basis: one Feminine and the other Masculine.
Two combined values animate working: Equality and Liberty. This entails a twofold Behaviour: Brotherhood and Friendship.
The new regime of genuine Partners implies all at once Free Livelihood and Voluntary Service.
-3- As jails are offhand vacated, likewise locks of every kind depart for the museum.
As well as public-private Properties vanish and give way to mere Possessions, Borders are overthrown and U.N.O. is consigned to the scrap heap of history.
-4- Well! Well! We’ve got the Suitable Community: Anar-Comm. Without Money and Weapons.
Extract from the Realist-Suitable Handbook of Anar-Comm,
WRC n° 1/BNP, – 4.12.2012.
Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :
"Les murs ont des oreilles...".