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“Ominous Rot!”

Rousseau - 1762




Disgraceful Social Benefits system! which disparages the masses, the poor and the weak, reduced to the level of Beggars.

The undisguised type of Social Benefits was brought out by decadent Romans. They would hand out supplies to the crowd (proletarians), after the Sibyl throwing honey cakes in the mouth of Cerberus, the intractable dog custodian of Hades: not at all to feed it, but as a soporific keeping it from biting.

Our Social Benefits system takes such Wickedness to its extreme. It is the expression of the thorough decay of the civilized city, which used to honour the couple Bill-Deed. It is nothing less than integral Plutarchy.

Two adventurers founded this regime: Cavaignac and Louis-Napoleon (1848)*. For the commanding Despotic Caste dons two liveries, and calls two successive dances: at first Labourism/Conservatism, then Naziism/Demon-cracy.


Debarred from any social Liability, humanity is sinking into fierceness!

150 years of reigning Social Benefits make good to perfection that it is futile to wait for a new Constantine! How then can we break loose from this social chaos?

Social Benefits were rife only with eating up the orthodox displays of Political Highbrowism. There is now no left over at all of it. It is time, really, to save its essence! But it might not be unless we simultaneously redeem the core of the traditional Customs’ Wisdom, of which Ethic had had to sweep up the corrupted final forms, so that it could settle its first hearths.

Today, a new social age dawns. The heralding of it simply concurs with proclaiming as follows: own to be a Slave of nature, or make known to be its Master, are but two sides of a same coin: True Work, entire and balanced.


Melting both flanks of the awkward Partiality was enough needed to die it away. Let’s observe the unprecedented wedding of Liberty-Equality: this is the very formula of True Community, that of the New Man, entire and balanced.





* Frog’s criterion.



June 2003 – Freddy Malot – World Realist Church –


“Let’s crush Infamy”

Voltaire - 1760




Treacherous Secularism! which turns gullibles and ignorants into intellectual Puppets.

Secularism had as plain model the Sophist Protagoras, who disheartened Greece. He would bark: don’t care a damn whether gods exist or not; truth passes to the highest bidder; make the most of life is the sole mobile; success by every possible means proves who is the best one.

Today’s Secularism brings this Obscurantism at his height. It is the utter putrefaction of the civilized mentality, which revered the couple Reason-Faith. It is nothing less than integral Heathenism.

Them both anti-apostles, founders of Secularism, were Comte and Proudhon (1845)*. For the commanding Luciferian Faction wears two masks, and plays two farces successively: at first Free-thought/Clericalism, then Racialism/Masonry.


Debarred from any mental Enlightenment, humanity is sinking into madness!

150 years of reigning Secularism make good to perfection that it is futile to wait for a new Socrates! How then can we break loose from this spiritual night?

Secularism was rife only with eating up the orthodox displays of the Believers’ Dogma. There is now no left over at all of it. It’s time, really, to save its essence! But it might not be unless we simultaneously redeem the core of the ancestral Idolators’ Myth, of which Religion had had to sweep up the corrupted final forms, so that it could settle its first hearths.

Today, a new mental age dawns. The heralding of it simply concurs with proclaiming as follows: mother-Matter and father-Spirit are but two sides of the same coin: True Real, entire and balanced.


Melting both exclusive flanks of the prehistoric Prejudice was enough needed to die it away!





* Frog’s criterion.



June 2003 – Freddy Malot – World Realist Church –

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