The writing below, distributed further to the trial of our comrade Tony (29th november 2016), has brought its author a sentence for « contempt of court » ! (3rd July 2017 – H.L.C. – Lyon – France)
As expected, you dare sentence my comrade Tony!
So, the mere Emanuel Kant’s DUTY entails me to denounce what follows:
♦ First, your « Outrageous » court, being much worst the heir of the provosty courts during the White Terror (1815-1817);
♦ Then, your « Despotic » Republic, which brings Disgrace completely upon the Commonwealth of the revolutionary Year Two (1793-1794).
Drawing thoroughly the conclusion of the mammoth scandal, I assert:
♦ Robespierre and Napoléon could not carry off the task which History expected from them;
♦ Ourselves precisely must achieve the thing, while setting up the Suitable Community: as EGALITARIAN as Libertarian!
Such is my way to behave like an Islam soldier, brought to bay by West-Babel.
(We come from the REAL and return to IT.)
– March 21th 2017
WRC-F – Brand New People
4 rue Prof. Zimmermann,
69007 Lyon
– My Evidence –
Since January 7th 2015, with the huge and filthy « I am Charlie! » demonstration, the worthy heirs of the Versailles’ Left in 1871 did descend upon France the WHITE TERROR.
The song below draws its inspiration from « The Bloody Week » that Jean-Baptiste Clément wrote in secret, dedicated “To the Shooted” Communards.
Save for squealers and cudgelers,
There’s no-one going about
But Moslems having the jitters,
Immigrants are down-and-out.
Wage-earners in depths of despair,
Freelances undergo worry,
Courts show themselves quite unfair,
Gaols erected plentifully.
Burden :
Yes but…
Old Order’s tottering
Hard times ceasing to exist!
Beware the revenging
When all the Poor will deal with it! (bis)
– March 21th 2017
WRC-F – Brand New People
Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :
"Les murs ont des oreilles...".